Daily Tarot Reading 36


Today we are called to face the truth. From time to time it is necessary to dig through all the layers that separate the surface from the core to understand if we can trust what we see. False truths and delusive behaviors are hard to sustain. Sooner or later they break down, and when they do it’s better we are already aware instead of being helpless in the face of catastrophe taken by surprise. Are we willing to honestly admit to ourselves those less-than-pleasant facts? And if not what it is that we are afraid of? Why would we prefer lies over truth? What would truth mean to us? Actually, any discomfort in this situation is just a measure of our resistance. Life occasionally takes away those things that are not truthfully ours, and if we fight back they are taken by force. Sooner or later we will see that raw and naked reality, it just depends what path we take to get there.

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